Buying and selling goods is vital to ensuring your mission is well-funded and supplied, and the navigation map is easy enough to figure out how to use. Character interactions help paint a clearer picture as to how life is amongst the stars. The title’s sci-fi setting is wonderfully fleshed out and fully realized with locales that offer further world-building insight. Upgrading the ship proves vital to advancing in the game. It is still possible to get a game over in Echo of Starsong, but a game over will just send you back to the last auto-save point as an older Jun reflects on what “truly” happened back then. There is no actual combat in the title to be concerned about, as these scenarios largely play out thanks to decision-making from the player. You even encounter “battle events” while flying that either have you relying on a character’s luck stat to possibly get through or utilize another type of decision to figure out how to overcome it instead. Space travel and the upkeep of your ship is where most of the game’s RPG mechanics come into play.
You can further strengthen and increase its capacity by collecting resources from various spots you uncover in your travels or buying needed upgrade materials from stores on space stations. The ship has several key components to keep track of, ranging from a signal modifier to armor plating and fuel caches, all of which you can upgrade eventually. Outside of exploring, the newly formed crew travels the various systems using their spaceship.

These audio puzzles get solved by attuning a specific collected song sample, the “starsong” of the game’s title, to match the puzzle layout. The exploration elements are relatively straightforward: you move Jun (or sometimes Eda or Remi depending on the plot) across a clear path, interacting with and collecting items as you go until you reach a puzzle that needs to be solved to proceed further. The story plays out most often in gorgeously illustrated still scenes, with vibrant 3D graphics dedicated to when Jun and the others are exploring caves and other areas of import.

OPUS: Echo of Starsong is described as a narrative adventure game I found it mixed graphic adventure elements with RPG/visual novel mechanics quite adeptly. The two adopted sisters are searching for Lumen caves on their own personal mission and end up thrown together with Jun and Kay shortly following an altercation with pirates. While trying to get information on a potential new cave, a twist of fate leads Jun and Kay to encounter Edalune and Remi. In doing so, Jun hopes to bring honor to his clan and help elevate their status. Players take on the role of a much younger Jun Lee, setting out with his loyal guardian Kay, the duo hoping to explore caves and find deposits of Lumen after being exiled from their people. It is also a universe dealing with the aftermath of a terrible war for the rare and highly sought resource, leaving a great scar on those in its wake. The narrative is a science fiction tale set in a universe where mystical caves float in space, containing a highly sought-after element called Lumen that is capable of a great many things. This is how OPUS: Echo of Starsong sets its stage, weaving a story both moving and beautiful in equal measure. His recollection reminds him that the bonds formed on such an impactful journey can transcend even the boundaries of time and space. Traversing the nearly-mystical cave, he reflects on events sixty-six years prior, recalling that the most difficult thing in the entire universe is learning to love and accept yourself while living your own life.

An elderly man explores a cave untouched by humans for several decades in the hope of reuniting with a woman he made a promise to long ago.